Powder alert(s) in Quebec
Powder alert(s) outside Quebec

Resort: Bromont, montagne d'expériences

Region: Cantons de l'Est       

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Maximum (°C)4-9-9-7-11-12-11
WeatherDeep snowOtherDeep snowDeep snowLight snowCloudsClouds
Ease IndexAAA+A+A+AB+
TexturePowder snowPowder snowPowder snowPowder snowPowder snowPowder snowPowder snow

Ease Index:   Description:
A++ Ideal conditions made of powder snow covering a soft base; very easy
A+   Almost perfect conditions with powder snow
A     Excellent snow conditions with powder snow or fine granular snow; smooth finish on soft base
B+   Very good conditions usually made of groomed surface on hard base
B     Good general conditions; some hard or icy areas
C+   Average conditions, many hardened or icy areas
C     Conditions fair with many icy areas; difficult conditions
D+   Poor conditions; difficult to ski
D     Bad snow conditions; very difficult to ski
F     Closed resort
Note:   Ski condition may differ a little at the resort due to some change in weather forecast, traffic on the slopes, snow making and grooming technique.
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